Hrim Creation


In our Indian Epic Ramayana, Lord Ram’s wife Sita was abducted by Ravana, the asura king of Lanka. She was kept in captivity at the “Ashoka Vatika” under the strict watchful eyes of his demoness staff. He continuously pursued her to accept him and be his queen.

Ravana, whose “Shiv Bhakti” was admired in the heavens were once reputed to be a highly religious and a noble king of Lanka. But in his unethical pursuit of Sita leads to his destruction. As is truly said in our scriptures that “Vinaash Kaale Viparit Buddhi”i.e. when the time of one’s destruction comes the mind starts thinking the opposite of what it should.

Mandodari the noble queen of Lanka, knew very well that as a consequence of this unrighteous act, the entire golden city was going to suffer destruction.

In the painting, the queen Mandodari is seen trying to stop her husband Ravana who has arrived at the “Ashoka Vatika” with full ceremonial pomp including musicians and also trays filled with jewels, bridal trousseau, and also a beautiful wedding necklace. All this was to try and convince and lure Sita to accept him. But Sita being the pious and chaste wife of Lord Ram shows her anger.

The backdrop of the painting is a beautiful Shiva temple where Sita is busy preparing to worship Lord Shiva. It also highlights the shocked expression of a noble motherly demoness “Trijata” who has a soft corner in her heart towards Sita.

Location Inspired from:- The Temple of Tooth at Kandy, Sri Lanka

